“Link,” formally known as Chris Duarte, has been committed to making the world a safer place through his efforts as a pro human advocate, consultant, innovator, program developer, trainer, speaker, and story-teller for over 20 years.
Link, a veteran of the armed forces, graduated with Honors and as the President’s Award Recipient from Northern Arizona University, obtaining two B.S. and a Masters.
Then in 2020, Link graduated from Harvard University, obtaining an MBA certificate in Business Analytics (HBAP). Since the start of his career, Link has created and directed several outreach programs, educated publicly about LGBTQ+ issues in more than 1500 speaking engagements, and has volunteered more than 10,000 hours to support members of the LGBTQ+ community in various capacities.
As an “out” transgender man, Link continues to share his empowering story to promote allyship and inclusion. As the Founder and CEO of Linking Dreams, Link builds partnerships with countless organizations and businesses by providing human capital consulting, DEI/EIG evaluation, and program development to help them enhance their reach of underserved populations.
Link believes in the power that is created when people unite to create a mission of belonging. From local to global, Link and his company inspire the world to be more inclusive of everyone. I am a Pride 365 Champion because the need for inclusion exists all year long.