David Whittleton

I spent 18+ years in various leadership roles in Corporate America and broke out of the need to “fit in” by being someone I wasn’t. When I made the decision to be my authentic self as a gay male, it really helped me become an even stronger leader because I was being who I am and my team and co-workers saw that. I started practicing Authentic Leadership in my role and witnessed the positive impact it had on my relationships with my leadership team and employees. Becoming a Champion of PRIDE 365 is my way of paying it forward to other leaders who are wanting to live their lives authentically.

David offers Life and Leadership coaching for people interested in overcoming their unique challenges, moving past their fears, and living a life of authenticity. I help my clients design their own map for success — one where they have the control to create the type of future they truly want. Especially LGBT professionals trying to navigate the corporate world while staying true to themselves.

While I specialize in working with the LGBTQ+ community, I serve anyone who might feel stuck, blocked, or scared. We all have skeletons in our closets, no matter who or where we happen to find ourselves.